Delivery Time |
Once we have received your order, we will process it in between 1-3 days. You should receive our Shipment notification email with a tracking number in a short period of time when we have confirmed the payment. We will be using a third-party delivery service, we will pass only your name, telephone number, and shipping address to the third-party delivery company for delivery purposes. For detail on how we will use your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy. Please note we are unable to deliver some products to some regions/ countries. Please check the availability on the product detail page before purchasing.
Shipping time (after the shipping notification email):
* Ship to the United States: 3-5 Days
* Ship to the United Kingdom: 10-12 Days
* Ship to Europe: 10-14 Days
* Ship to other countries: 12-14 Days
Returns: Accepted
For inquiries about shipment, contact our customer service team for assistance via e-mail at Please note the above delivery time is just estimated, the final delivery time may vary depending on situations and subject to third party delivery company.